Cross-Country Adventure: Riding Baggers from Arizona to California – Day 3 at AZ Bike Week Vlog 128

Cross-Country Adventure: Riding Baggers from Arizona to California – Day 3 at AZ Bike Week Vlog 128

Howdy folks! We’ve had quite the adventure here at AZ Bike Week, riding our baggers through the stunning landscapes of Arizona. Our time in this picturesque state has come to an end, and now it’s time to rev up our engines and head back to California. But before we hit the road, let’s reminisce about our exhilarating journey through the Wild West.

Riding Through Arizona: A Wild Ride

  • We embarked on a thrilling 500-mile ride through Arizona, soaking in the rugged beauty of the desert.
  • Our first stop was the charming town of Wickenburg, where we delved into its rich history.

Uncovering Wickenburg’s Past

  • Henry Wickenburg struck gold when he discovered Vulture Mine back in 1863, laying the groundwork for the town’s establishment in 1909.
  • Wickenburg faced numerous hardships, including mine closures and devastating floods, yet it stood resilient and continued to flourish.

A Glimpse Into Wickenburg’s History

  • The town’s history is as fascinating as it is turbulent, with tales of Indian wars and the transformative impact of the railroad’s arrival in 1895.
  • We roamed the streets, from the historic depot to quaint local cafes, immersing ourselves in Wickenburg’s unique charm.

Arizona Bike Week: A Biker’s Paradise

  • With close to 800 miles under our belt, Arizona Bike Week was an absolute blast, with adrenaline-pumping rides and thrilling events that left us craving for more.
  • The camaraderie among fellow riders and the electrifying atmosphere made this experience truly unforgettable.

Heading Back to California: Tacos Await!

  • As much as we’ve adored our time in Arizona, the allure of California’s golden coast and, let’s be honest, some lip-smacking tacos, beckons us back home.
  • Our bags are packed, our bikes are roaring to go, and we’re ready to hit the road, filled with memories of an epic cross-country journey.


Buckle up, fellow riders, as we bid adieu to the scenic beauty of Arizona and set our sights on the sun-soaked shores of California. Our hearts are full, our spirits high, and the open road awaits. It’s not just a journey—it’s an unforgettable tale of adventure, camaraderie, and the sheer thrill of the ride. So, until next time, keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up!

Enjoy your ride! ✌️

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