Biker Life Motorcycle TV Chuck and Deb are back in 2021
Learn what Chuck & Deb have been up to for the last 6 months.
Find out if Chuck’s motorcycle Thumper
(2004 Harley Davidson Dyna Wide Glide) is back on the road.
Deb shares her Riding Coach tips about riding curves, braking and scanning. Find out what Deb has a problem with motorcycle clothes with bling on it.
Here’s the book Deb showed on the show.
Sport Riding Techniques: How To Develop Real World Skills for Speed, Safety, and Confidence on the Street and Track:
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Own a Harley Davidson Motorcycle and
need help with maintenance and repairs?
The Checkout Fix My HOG Vidoes:
Licensed Music Granted By SourceAudio:
Not Asking Twice- Cold Blooded Rockstar
Contributing Artist: Terry Munday (PRS)Abaco Music Library
Na Na Yeah! – Indie Rising Composed by Levi Stark Abaco Music Library
Mentions MCrider – Motorcycle Training:…
Thanks for watching and helping us become the one of the
best motorcycle podcast and vloggers of 2021.
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Details on Motorcycle Battery Life
There are various points that you need to recognize about your brand-new motorcycle. You wish to know exactly how quick it can go when you are on a freeway yet obviously, you still require to adhere to the regulations in the location to make sure that you will not have any issues.
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