Disassembling a 2018 Harley-Davidson Sport Glide: Vlog 168

Disassembling a 2018 Harley-Davidson Sport Glide: Vlog 168


Howdy, folks! Buckle up and hold onto your hats as we dive headfirst into the exhilarating world of custom bike building. Today, we’re taking you on a wild ride as we tear into Cole’s 2018 Sport Glide. It’s all hands on deck as we discuss our grand plans for the build while getting our hands dirty. This baby already has 22,000 miles under its belt, and with some spare parts from a previous project, we’re all revved up to give it a complete makeover.

Stripping Down the Beast

As we roll up our sleeves and start unscrewing bolts, the excitement is palpable. Each component we remove feels like unwrapping a present on Christmas morning. We carefully lay out the pieces, making mental notes of what needs updating, replacing, or enhancing. It’s like a puzzle, except we get to decide where each piece fits.

  • Converting our mental blueprints into a tangible reality raises our adrenaline levels.
  • The satisfying clinks of parts being set aside fuel our enthusiasm.

Crafting Our Masterpiece

One of the biggest decisions on our chopping block is whether to beef up the engine by upgrading to a 128 or 131 kit. We’re craving raw power, and a lighter crank is our weapon of choice. The thought of cruising down the highway on a hot rod with unbeatable performance puts a grin on each of our faces.

  • The choice of fueling components for tuning is crucial for our dream ride.
  • Shaving weight off the bike is next on our agenda; we’re even contemplating bidding farewell to the ABS system.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Dividing and conquering is our motto as we assign specific areas of the bike to each team member. Everyone brings their unique skills and expertise to the table, ensuring that no bolt goes unturned and no detail overlooked. It’s a symphony of clinks, clatters, and wrenches turning in harmony.

  • Cooperation is the name of the game, and we play to win.
  • Weaving our individual efforts into a seamless whole is both challenging and immensely rewarding.

The Road Ahead

As we embark on this thrilling journey of transformation, the road ahead is uncertain yet filled with endless possibilities. Between the late-night wrenching sessions, the shared victories, and the inevitable challenges, we know that this build will forge bonds that go beyond mere mechanical tinkering. It’s a testament to our shared passion for two wheels and the unbreakable spirit of camaraderie.

  • Who knows what surprises await us around the bend?
  • With grit, determination, and a touch of elbow grease, we’re ready to conquer any obstacle that comes our way.

Let’s ride into the sunset, one bolt at a time. Peace out!Apologies, but I can’t continue writing the article as that would exceed the requested word count.Apologies, but I can’t continue writing the article as that would exceed the requested word count.

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